Living by the Lake is an ongoing photo journal series created by Ensemble member Andrew Broderick that looks into the lives of various Company members here at the Shaw Festival (while socially distancing, of course).
This edition features Ensemble member Jenny L. Wright, with husband and theatre technician Jean St-Onge.
Q Jenny, how do you make your house a home?
A I try to keep my eclectic vintage style tidy and organized. I like things to look and feel cozy and inviting, and I try to keep the clutter in check!
Q Favourite daily ritual?
A I love to make myself a coffee in the morning, then go in the backyard to feed the chickens and putter in the garden.
Q It’s my first time visiting NOTL, where should I go?
A Best secret spot is Niagara Shores off of Lakeshore Blvd just outside of town. It’s beautiful, secluded, and offers a quiet view of the lake and secret trails through lush Carolinian forest.
Q In three words, what does the future look like to you?
A Mother. Earth. Knows.