Living by the Lake – Kelly Wong, featuring his wife Cosette Derome and daughter Amelia - Shaw Festival Theatre

Living by the Lake – Kelly Wong, featuring his wife Cosette Derome and daughter Amelia

Living by the Lake is an ongoing photo journal series created by Ensemble member Andrew Broderick that looks into the lives of various Company members here at the Shaw Festival (while socially distancing, of course).

This edition features Ensemble member Kelly Wong, along with his wife Cosette Derome and daughter Amelia.

Q How do you make your house a home?
A A year ago, we would’ve said as long as we’re together, we’re home. Today? The thick layer of Mega Blocks and bath toys does the trick.

Q Favourite daily ritual?
A After breakfast, one of us heads out for a run, while the other takes Amelia for a stroller ride by the lake.

Q It’s my first time visiting NOTL, where should I go?
A Masaki Sushi! Hands down the best sushi we’ve ever had.

Q  In three words, what does the future look like to you?
A Safe and sound.


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